Your experiences, morals, culture, family, relationships, religious beliefs, and personal philosophy about life and death are just a few things that determine what you consider a good death. Only you can determine how you want to die. I can help you plan, then assist in relaying your wishes to family, medical staff, and friends to guarantee that your wishes are fulfilled as best as possible.
It may seem simple. You may already have an idea of what a good death means to you. Nothing is ever as simple as it seems, though, especially with your health and medical care.
With targeted questions and personal discussion, I can help you
It may seem simple. You may already have an idea of what a good death means to you. Nothing is ever as simple as it seems, though, especially with your health and medical care.
With targeted questions and personal discussion, I can help you
Falling ill or dying without an End-of-Life Plan means your family members must make important decisions about your finances, funeral, and burial in stressful and emotionally painful times. It can cause strife among family members, delay securing your finances to pay your bills until your recovery, expose you to scammers, and result in ch
Falling ill or dying without an End-of-Life Plan means your family members must make important decisions about your finances, funeral, and burial in stressful and emotionally painful times. It can cause strife among family members, delay securing your finances to pay your bills until your recovery, expose you to scammers, and result in choices made about your medical care that you may disagree with.
We start by writing a detailed end-of-life plan together tailored to your needs and budget, then share it with the people responsible for fulfilling your wishes. That may be all you are looking for. But, many people decide to pursue other interactions, such as creating a legacy project, organizing a party to celebrate your life, re-engaging with difficult relationships...
The possibilities are whatever you can imagine.
The terminally ill, families who live far from an elderly parent or relative and can't travel back and forth, young parents who want to ensure their children are protected, people who want to prepare for unexpected situations, patients with debilitating diseases that make writing difficult... Whatever your background, whatever your situation
I serve you.
People are increasingly wanting to take control of this final stage of their lives. Dying at home is legal, and it can be satisfying for all involved, loving, and peaceful. I will work with you and your family to organize the rituals you want.
A demand for alternatives to being embalmed, encased in a casket and concrete liner, or being cremated is also growing. Natural burials, or green burials, are becoming more popular, but they aren't available everywhere.
I'll work with you to find the alternative you want.
I've taken Linda's yoga classes, artful meditation, and workshops. I learned so much from each one. I'm sad I can't take more because she moved away.
Keiko T.
I thought I had my end-of-life plan completed. I had worked with a funeral home to lay out my wishes and even pre-paid. But Linda helped me work out details I had never thought of. I feel prepared that my family doesn't have to figure out what to do when I die. Because that's what I care about most.
Jane Ono
I was diagnosed with a terminal illness, but I don't care what happens to my body when I die. I just don't want my daughter to have to spend a lot of money on my funeral. But she doesn't want to talk to me about death at all. I was frustrated and angry on top of having to deal with my diagnosis. Linda was such a help. She helped me develop a plan, and she was present when I talked with my daughter to help the conversation. When she didn't know the answer to something, she would say so. I really valued her honesty. I'm not sure when I'll die, but I feel better about it after having someone to talk to.
Cara Lane
"We should make end-of-life decisions when the sun is shining in our lives."
Dawn Lentz
"In the midst of death, life persists."
Mahatma Gandhi
“The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.”
Harriet Beecher Stowe
“It’s part of the privilege of being human that we have our moment when we have to say goodbye.”
Patti Smith
“Analysis of death is not for the sake of becoming fearful but to appreciate this precious lifetime.”
Dalai Lama
“I have now decided that my death should be very precious. I really want to use it. I’d like my death to be as interesting as my life has been, and will be.”
David Bowie
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